2018 Bakers Dozen Calendar from Stephen Olker

Now you and your favorite Phish fans can remember the best part of 2017 every day next year with the new Baker’s Dozen 2018 Calendar from Stephen Olker

This 2018 Baker’s Dozen calendar has the same 13 images contained in Olker’s mural wall art. The images are in chronological order, and the corresponding donut flavor is noted on each month. The calendar measures 8×11, there is one image on each page, and only the cover contains any text or markings. It would be easy to frame an image after the month has passed if desired.

Order yours now! This calendar will only be available for purchase / preorder through Sunday 12/3/17. Each calendar will be signed and numbered. The cost is $40 for one, or $75 for two,  shipping included.

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