About PhanArt

On a mountain with my dog

PhanArt was founded by Pete Mason, a Special Education teacher living in Upstate NY with his dog Sky. He started PhanArt shortly after Phish’s final shows in 2004 as a way to preserve the legacy of the Phish community. With the help of friends (both old and new) he compiled and edited the creation of a 400+ page book, to preserve the legacy of Phish fan art.

In 2013, the first PhanArt show was held in Atlantic City. Since then, more than 60 shows have been held in over a dozen U.S. cities, all with a focus on bringing artists and vendors to the fans together.

PhanArt shows are inclusive, welcoming, community events. Whether you are a vendor or patron, there is zero tolerance for hate, misogyny, anti-trans rhetoric, or other related actions at these events.

Pete is also the Publisher of NYS Music and continues to help the ever-expanding Phish Art community grow. Listen to a recent interview on Tom Marshall’s Under the Scales podcast.

His second book, PhanFood: From the Kitchen Pot to the Parking Lot is a collaboration with Taraleigh Silberberg (The Healthy Hippie). PhanFood is a collection of recipes from Phish fans and friends including appetizers, drinks, salads, healthy food, desserts and other delicious concoctions. PhanFood benefits the food pantry of Burlington, Vermont and the towns Phish plays in each tour. To order PhanFood, pick one up here.

In December, 2012, Pete published his first e-book, “The Evolution of the War Film Genre: From Westerns and World War II to Vietnam”, detailing the changing war film genre over the past 80 years. Pick it up for Kindlefor Nook,  and now for iTunes.

In 2014, Pete self-published a children’s book on his dog Halley’s life and travels, A Well Traveled Dog, illustrated by Ryan Kerrigan, after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Pick up a copy here.

Late in In 2015, Pete and Ryan Kerrigan published their second collaborative effort, The Alphabet Book, For Little Phans: From Antelope to ZeroPick up a copy here.

In 2016, The Grateful Book of Letters was published, the third collaboration between Mason and Kerrigan. Pick up a copy here.

In 2019, they released their fourth childrens book, Counting Down the Number LinePick up a copy here.


Bela Fleck and his Banjo Concerto ‘The Imposter’, March 2013 

An Interview with Dopapod’s Neal Evans and Rob Compa, playing Albany, Syracuse and Rochester this weekend

JoJo Hermann of Widespread Panic and Missing Cats, September 2012

Alan Evans of The Royal Family, September 2012)

Scott Murawski of Max Creek and Mike Gordon Band, August 2012

Looking toward 2012: Gathering of the Vibes founder talks history, legacy & present

Marc Brownstein of The Disco Biscuits and Conspirator, April 2012 

Greg Bell, on his 20th anniversary as a local music promoter in Albany, NY

Tony Markellis, June 2011

Reid Genauer on Reuniting with Strangefolk

The Strangefolk Story Part 2 – April 2011

The Strangefolk Story Part 1 – March 2011

Mike Gordon, November 2010

Interview with The McLovins, September 2009

Music Articles

NYSMusic.com Articles and Reviews

Jambands.com Articles and Reviews

Gathering of the Vibes 2013

Gathering of the Vibes 2012 : Gratefully holding tight to its Dead roots at Seaside

Sealing the Deal: Hangout 2012 Thrives in its Junior Year

Trey Anastasio Band Song Histories – When and Radon Balloon

StrangeCreek Music and Arts Festival review

Musings on Protest Music, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Strangefolk: A Great Long While in the Making

Recap: The Return of Strangefolk

Amnesty International Dylan Tribute Album

Protecting Your Hearing: A Guide to Earplugs

Review: Trey Anastasio at Carnegie Hall

A Phans View

Summer 2001 Road Trip Revisited

Non-Music Articles

Huffington Post Articles

New Electoral Math would have made Romney President

Movie reviews (Albany, NY)

Forget Chris McCandless. Has Craig Medred gone into the wild?

High 5: Seeking Natural Relief for Chronic Depression

The Benefits of a Weed

What’s Next for Occupy?

Would You Confuse ‘Chikin’ with Kale?


The Real Housewives of Phish Tour

How to Fold a Poster

Shit Phish Fans Say

PhanArt: The Movie!

PhanArt’s YouTube Channel