AJ Masthay’s Fantastic Hullaballo Print for NOLA Jazz Fest

From PhanArtist AJ Masthay: Hello and happy spring from Masthay Studios! The weather here in Connecticut has been absolutely spectacular over the past few days, everything is finally turning green and the flowers are blooming. I love Spring, although it makes it really difficult to hunker down in the studio…

I’m writing to let you know about an exciting event that Ill be taking part in at the end of the month. FANTASTIC HULLABALOO is two nights of music and arts taking place in the Big Easy during Jazz Fest.

Along with myself, additional artists on display will include Stanley Mouse, Jeff Wood, Scramble Campbell, Isadora Bullock, Ian Millard, and many more. A big thanks to Tripp at Taboot Art for putting the whole event together. Details including dates, times, bands, and a full artist lost can be found at www.fantastichullabaloo.com

I’ve also created a new edition of 100 prints that will be released at the event. Each is a 7 seven color linoleum block print on 13″ x 23″ Stonehenge paper stock.

Finally, I hope everyone has a great summer tour. Im already well into my first edition for it and plan at least a few new pieces to be released in the next few months.

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