Many are familiar with HeadCount, a nonpartisan organization that works with musicians to facilitate participation in democracy. Since its inception in 2004, the organization has registered over 150,000 voters. It is now taking a step forward, motivating members of the music community to be involved, active citizens. HeadCount’s Board of Directors includes Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, other well known musicians, and the very top managers, promoters and media publishers in the live music industry. HeadCount has a great deal of causes they educate the masses on, including Food and Farm Policy, Health Care Reform, Personal Liberty, Gulf Coast Recovery, Human Rights, and Sustainability and Conservation, as well as a “Midterms Matter” initiative to Get Out the Vote
On 12/30 at the Hyatt in Miami, FL, Mock Show was held in its 2nd installment this year, and the 5th overall Phish poster convention ever. It was a great success and featured dozens of artists from PhanArt, including Ryan Kerrigan, AJ Masthay, Tripp, Andrew Abis, Erin Cadigan, Bruce Horan, Fred Hosman, as well as new PhanArtists Uncle Ebenezer, Vinny Naro and Franky Scaglione among many, many others.

This was also the first installment of the Phish poster awards at Mock Show, presented by Head Count. Golden Tubes were awarded to the following:
Best Official Phish Print of 2009 – Tyler Stout, “Noblesville”
Best Phish Fan Print of 2009 – Isadora Bullock, “Tower Jam”
Best Hampton Phish Fan Print 2009 – Jon Lamb, “Hampton”
Best Red Rocks Fan Print 2009 – David Welker, “Lady in the Rock”
Best Festival 8 Fan Print 2009 – Isadora Bullock, “Indio Llama”
Best Phish Series – Official or Fan 2009 – Tripp, “Red Rocks”
Best Non-Poster Art of 2009 – Jim Pollock, “Masks”
Best Political Art of 2009 – Banksy, “Monkey Parliament”

PhanArt: The Art of the Fans of Phish was nominated in the best non-poster art category. It was an honor to be in the same category as Jim Pollock and Ryan Kerrigan!
See the full recap from HeadCount here
The Heavy Pets played an amazing set of music, their first ever full acoustic set, right across from the PhanArt table! Location was perfect in all possible ways!

Some info about HeadCount: HeadCount is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to registering voters and inspiring participation in democracy through the power of music. More information can be found at
Some info about Mock Show: Mock Show is a nomadic art exhibition staged around Phish’s multi-night runs which allows both fan artists and professional established artists associated with the band to showcase their talents to art enthusiasts while raising money for local and national charities.