Join the PhanArt Street/Lot Team!

phanart sticker

PhanArt is looking to recruit fans to join in with the search for new fan-art in the lots at Phish shows!

All you need to do is get some flyers out at shows Phish, Phix, Strange Design, anything Phish related or where fans congregate, even Widespread Panic, Umphrey’s, Yonder Mountain, Disco Biscuits, and other types of live music scenes. We can send you flyers in the mail or one to print off at work.

Download/right-click and save the flyer below, print and cut out a few sheets to hand out to phans at shows!

PhanArt Flyer

email us at

Plus, you can help us in our quest to catalog and document all the art that is out there!  Simply look for new lot art at shows – take pictures of new lot art – posters, shirts, stickers, paintings, anything – and send them in to If you have 10 new items we havent seen, we will send you a free lot shirt! All for wandering Shakedown Street and taking pictures of lot art. Sound simple? That’s because it is! No strings attached!

Thank you phans!


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