From Jonathan Lamb and Like Minded Productions comes his ‘Kuroda Light Rig’ shirts for summer 2011. A unique hand drawn design of Chris Kuroda’s light rig, the first ever for PhanArt! Lamb from Like Minded has teamed up with Jeff Nesbit from Taboot to produce a 4 color screenprinting technique.
Each shirt costs $20 with $5 shipping with an extra $2 cost for XXL. To order, go to LikeMinded Productions and order direct from their site. Please include desired size, color scheme choice and shipping address with your paypal.
Color Option 1: on Silver Grey Gildan 2000’s
Color Option 2: Seafoam Green Anvil 976’s 6.1 oz 100% cotton
Color Option 3: Sport Grey Anvil 976’s 6.1 oz 100% cotton
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