release their first Widespread Panic and String Cheese Incident shirts

SetListTees has released two new shirts featuring two new bands in their line of setlist inspired shirts, featuring Widespread Panic and String Cheese Incident. Check them out below and make sure to follow them on Twitter @SetListTees! You can even request your own shows for shirts!

Widespread Panic at Brow Lake, Lookout Mountain, Georgia – 7/23/88

This design, called Conrad ’88, was based on a design submitted by a fan on twitter (@digg_dugg) who was curious as to why they didn’t have more WSP shows on the site. He submitted this one along with a couple of others that are up on the site right now. You can purchase your own Conrad ’88 shirt here!

wsp caterpiller_graphic

String Cheese Incident, Collins Arena, Brookdale College, Lincroft, NJ – 10/15/05

This ‘show -> shirt’ was was requested by a girl and live music enthusiast with a particular passion for The Cheese. 10/15/05 was her first SCI show. She of course requested that hoopers were incorporated into the design. Click to order this shirt called ‘Hoopin in Lincroft

sci Hula-Hoop

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