Max Kauffman art giveaway!

Max Kauffman is teaming up with PhanArt to give away an original painting in honor of the Phish’s 2011 New Years run.  We are giving away an original painting based on Theme from the Bottom.
There are multiple ways to enter. All you need to do is  share your favorite New Years Eve moments, old school Phish NYE handbills, NYE posters, situations, stories, etc… in one of the following ways:


Leave a comment below with your favorite memory

Share on twitter with Max @wittybanterism using #hashtag #nyeartgiveaway

Do the same on Max’s Facebook at and PhanArt’s too

Or email Max at mhkauffm (at)


The winner will be chosen New Years Day with a runner up getting a recent print from Max’s collection

Contest starts now, good luck and Happy New Year!!

Update: The winners of the contest are…… Nicholas Stock, for his tale post Big Cypress. ‘My favorite Phish NYE memory was at Big Cypress. As we were leaving after the almost 8 hour set. A large group got to a T in the road and asked, “Where do we go now?” She was referring to how she got back to her camp but I heard it as WHERE DO WE GO NOW? A booming question for the rest of my life. I’m still trying to answer it.’. Bryon Wooten is the runner up with “Favorite nye moment was the return of the hotdog phish rode in on 12/31/10 tossing out meatsticks while the stage was filled with people singing the same. #occupymsg”

3 thoughts on “Max Kauffman art giveaway!”

  1. Hi all, little more information about the painting-
    Its 13×17 in and matted to 16×20.
    Created with watercolor, india ink, pen, and paint marker on watercolor paper. Its a little older of a piece, for a show I did on musical influences. It was 15 pieces interpreting songs, with accompanying mixtape. I grew up in a smallish town in Indiana and didn’t know many artists, so alot of what I know about creating comes from musicians.
    That continues now, where I work in a somewhat exploratory fashion, but with elements of structure or a pattern to return to- sort of like some of the musicians I admire.
    Some of these ->….

    Heres a larger image of ‘Theme’

  2. My favorite Phish NYE memory was at Big Cypress. As we were leaving after the almost 8 hour set. A large group got to a T in the road and asked, “Where do we go now?” She was referring to how she got back to her camp but I heard it as WHERE DO WE GO NOW? A booming question for the rest of my life. I’m still trying to answer it.

  3. my favorite phish NYE moment is a tie between NYE 02 @ MSG. I was a spry 17 year old who had been waiting the duration of the hiatus to see his first phish show. My friends and I noobishly attempted to buy tickets at the nearest ticket master outlet a half hour away from home at the mall. We were surprised to find out that it was sold out before it was even on sale!

    “oops, oh well, not this year!” we thought, until our friend mike’s dad hooked us the hell up somehow and nabbed some tickets via his “connections.” it’s quite possible he had 4 people killed and stole their tickets, but we didn’t ask questions. He then flew us all down from syracuse in a chartered jet, put us up in a 4 star hotel room in midtown and bought us fancy dinners and drinks. The show itself was as surreal for me as the circumstances surrounding the event itself. Phans offered me $1500 for my ticket on the way in, but i kept my head down and powered through the crowds. The energy at the show was palpable and I had the biggest goosebumps of my life when the band came out. The audience cheered for the first 10 minutes of piper and I thought i was going to vibrate to death.

    The first moment I “got it” was during sample, oddly enough. I looked around the arena and saw 20k people all dancing together in the glow of the white lights. it clicked, and i’ve forever been obsessed.

    the other NYE moment that is tied for the previous story was last year when i got stuck in upstate new york due to bad weather and had to watch the stream on the couch with my mom. oh wait no, that sucked.

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