Phish studies Symposium ‘Resounding Echoes Grow’ comes to NYU on March 11

The Resounding Echoes Grow is a day-long interdisciplinary symposium celebrating scholarship about American rock band Phish. The symposium will take place on Wednesday March 11, 2020 in NYU Gallatin’s Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre for the Performing Arts (1 Washington Place, New York, NY).

The symposium continues the mission of the Phish Studies scholarly community to develop research and writing on the band and the phenomenon it has spawned. The day will include a keynote, a guided viewing, two panels, and two roundtables with presenters from across disciplinary backgrounds. The event is hosted by Gallatin MA candidate Isaac Slone, and will include a musical performance by Karina Rykman. It is free and open to the public.

While the event has recently hit capacity, there is a waitlist. Inquiries can be sent to and the schedule of events can be found here.

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