This video was shot with great help from a number of people. A great thanks to all of you who helped to make this possible.
Director of Photography and Editing: Jen Morgan
Directed by: Jen Morgan and Pete Mason
Produced by: Pete Mason
Kyle E., AFF, Chris De Cotis, Erika Fallon, Pete Mason
and featuring Halley
Written by Pete Mason and the following fans on Facebook and Twitter:
@doochey, @surefootedllama, @axillapt3, @mbvisor, @Treyenthusiast, @Alliedise, @apple0229, @P1NT, @jess_staab, @surrenderedflow, @ChinaKatSunflwr, @apple0229, @SaxNStrikeouts, @aaronpethic, @IamKrivoruk, @Tao_Of_Jeff, @the_man_mulcahy, @Languagestrange, @Jiggslikesphish, @StrongPROGress, @JamminTurtle, @Frawg_Dawg, @secretcabdriver, @M_R_Cohen, @Lauren Sullivan, @Christy_420, @Surrenderedflow, @DanMar85, @tpod17, @kipconner, @granPaPaa, @ChaCheesePlease, @axillapt3, @joeymoore21