Today marks 6 years since the start of PhanArt: The Art of the Fans of Phish! Over the past 6 years, we have made every effort to archive and compile the collection of Phish created fan-art (PhanArt) for purposes of historical and cultural preservation, create a book of this art for benefit of Mockingbird Foundation, and developed the PhanArt Blog as a central marketplace for fans, artists and PhanArtists to sell their wares and creations, with a percentage of all sales benefiting Mockingbird Foundation.
These past 6 years have been amazing and continue to get better. It took 4 years to get the PhanArt book to print, and so far we have sold over 430 copies of PhanArt: The Art of the Fans of Phish, featuring 1600 pieces of Phish PhanArt, collected well over 500 new pieces of PhanArt for a second edition of the book to be completed at a later date, and provided the Phish community with an outlet for their creativity when the lots arent open.
Our Mission Statement remains the same: PhanArt’s mission is to compile and preserve art created by Phish fans for the Phish community and, in the course of such work, to also benefit The Mockingbird Foundation, which raises funds for music education for children.
We look forward to seeing all the great art this fall for the New Years run, and ask you to spread the word about PhanArt to your friends and phamily!
Happy Anniversary!