T-shirts by Anthony Flynn

Anthony Flynn has created some great shirts to tide fans over as we await summer tour dates to be announced.  All shirts comes in sizes S, M, L, XL, and XXL. If you would like to purchase any of these shirts, or have basic questions, contact Anthony at Flynnunit11@yahoo.com. Anthony has agreed to donate 10% from the sale of each shirt to The Mockingbird Foundation supporting music education nationwide

The shirts as described by Anthony:

ACDC Bag: A shirt for another memorable song that I first heard listening to a recording of Trey’s TMWSIY thesis. My inspiration for the design was other shirts that put a Phish influence on familiar logos/typefaces (Harry Hood Ts that use the Harry Potter logo-font for example)

Cost: 15$ + Shipping and Handling

Split Open and Melt:
This was the first song I ever heard by Phish and, in addition, was the first Phish T-Shirt I designed. The basic idea is that Gumby is both splitting open and melting on the shirt, and thus, hence “split open and melt”

Cost: 12$ + Shipping and Handling

I Am Hydrogen: I was sitting in electronics class listening to Phish one day when I looked at thehttp://www.webelements.com/hanging on a wall. I found there was an element for “I” , an element for “Am” and of course “H” for hydrogen, and the idea for the shirt came to me.

Cost: 15$ + Shipping and Handling

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