Tag Archives: 1991

30 Year Pin Set from Ryan Kerrigan and Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark recently approached Ryan Kerrigan about creating a pin set that would commemorate each year of Phish history, although the task was daunting, to find an image/design that represented every year of Phish’s 30. With some thought and effort, the duo came up with a pin set to timeline the legacy that is Phish. The first five pins of their 30-year pin set are now here.  The pin board below shows the layout for the 30 pins, with a couple extra years for good measure. 🙂

30 year series pin boardAbout the pins: Each pin is a limited run of 100 and they will be released in batches of five pins, with the first batch featuring 1983, 1991,1998, 2001 and 2009. Each pin measures 1″ in diameter while the pin board measures 9.5″ x 12″ x 0.5″.

Single pins are $15 each shipped, but you can pick up the first batch of 5 pins at a discount rate of $45 shipped. When you order all five pins, you can get matching numbers of each pin, as well as dibs on all future batches with the same number. As a bonus, the first batch comes with a free pinboard to display the entire series.

To order these pins, send a Paypal payment to ryan (at) ryankerrigan.com