Tag Archives: artbattles

Phanartist Erin Cadigan needs your votes!

A message from Erin Cadigan:

Hi! I’m hoping all my Phish phamily can help me out. Art Battles NYC is hosting an online voting on artists until Jan 22.The top 4 artists will compete live on stage to win a chance to travel to Europe as part of the US art battle team! By compete it means we will each paint a 5’x4 canvas in just an hour and a half! I’m currently in the number 7 position and only need 500 votes to catch up! Take 30 seconds of your time and vote!

Vote for Erin here

Update 1/23/12 4:37 pm: Looks like Erin placed Fourth and is competing this weekend for a trip to Europe! Thanks to all who voted and supported her!