Artist Ryan Jerzy was born outside of Detroit and raised in the western suburbs of Chicago. 30 years old, Ryan has been making art since high school but found his greatest influence in the music of Phish. “My first linoleum block print was in 2004 for Phish at Coventry. I saw Jim Pollock’s art, saw how he did it, and Isadora Bullock’s art as well, so I decided to try carving a block.” And with that, Ryan Jerzy’s lino cut style has blossomed over the past decade.
Ryan’s style of art draws upon humor and cartoon-inspired design. “I try to create art that is both comedic and unique in a way that people look at it and it puts a smile on their face,” noting that his art attracts children as well as parents who find the all-ages humor in his pieces.
A fan of 18th century etchings, old school printing and typefaces, lettering and fonts, Ryan sees the benefit to simplicity in using just one or two colors to get a point of the work to lift off the page, along with the detail and imagination behind the art.
This summer, Ryan will be making prints for the Clarkston, Chicago and Commerce City shows, as he is planning a move west to Denver prior to the shows Labor Day weekend. With luck, fans will find that Ryan has made some smaller art prints using smaller linoleum blocks. Stay tuned for info on those.
Below is a gallery of Ryan’s Phish inspired art. Availability is noted below the title of each piece. For those that are available, you can pick up Ryan’s available prints exclusively in the PhanArt Store.
Festival 8, 10/31-11/2, 2009. Sold Out