Tag Archives: blacklight

Erin Cadigan’s Halloween poster

Completed with a unique and very intricate ‘Blacklight’ Process, Erin has created a very unique and extremely creative poster for the upcoming Halloween shows in Indio

Size: 24″x18″ OR 12″x18″ — The first 18 of the posters will not be cut. They will be sold as one poster 24″x18″ with both images side by side. They will be numbers 1-18. The remaining 32 of each image will be separated and sold individually. Essentially each image is ONLY a run of 50. There are only 100 Erin Cadigan Halloween posters period. AND again only 18 of the attached double image.

Paper: heavy weight matte

Edition size: 2 images/ 50 limited —see above. when responding please specify double, single unicorn or single zombie

#1-18: Double Image : $55.00
#19-32 : Single Image: $30.00 or $60 for set

How to Order: go to erincadigan.com/erin_cadigan_store.html   Include a note you found out about the poster from PhanArt!

They are all signed and numbered.

Erin Cadigan-email indio


Image: On both you have the 4 previous halloween albums caught in the web of a microphone spider. and of course a UFO in the sky.

Left: Wording Top Indio; Wording in bottom spider web: Halloween 8; Zombie unicorn running on plains of indio. Kinda a riff on old scholl blacklight posters. In background you have John Lennon, Lou Reed, Roger Daltry and David Byrne zombies walking towards a empty stage.

Right: Wording top California; Spider web Oct 30, Oct 31, Nov 1; Hippie Zombie with an 8 tshirt. In his hand is the festival 8 ticket. He is lit by the lights of the stage. Unicorn in the background so the two are like flip perspectives of the same scene.