Tag Archives: cooking

PhanFood Cookbook kickoff party 12/11 at Nectar’s

Save the date! Nectar’s in Burlington, Vermont is hosting a book launch party for the new cookbook, PhanFood: From the Kitchen Pot to the Tour Lot (SUNY Press/Excelsior Editions; December 2010; $19.95 paperback). Join us on Saturday, December 11 from 7:00–9:00 pm for the PhanFood book launch. If you attend this party you’ll also gain free admission to the show at Nectar’s later that evening, with incredible funk and jamband Dopapod headlining.

Here’s some more exciting information about the eventful evening:

• There will be a food drive, so please bring canned foods or other nonperishable items!
Taste delicious food from the recipe book, cooked by the contributors!
• For one night only, Nectar’s will serve drinks featured in the book!
Drink specials from Magic Hat, who is sponsoring the event!

Order a copy of PhanFood here!

About PhanFood:
Like the band they follow from city to city, Phish fans have their own history of creativity, which in turn follows them wherever they go—even into the kitchen. Edited by Taraleigh Weathers and Pete Mason, PhanFood brings together many of the recipes that Phish fans have made and shared over the years. Included are appetizers, salads, soups, sandwiches, entrées, desserts, drinks (with and without alcohol), and a variety of other concoctions that Phish fans enjoy while they are in the lots, at the site, or just sitting at home waiting for the next tour to be announced. PhanFood is also a wholly nonprofit endeavor, with all net profits being donated to regional food banks and charities in the cities where Phish plays.

Praise for the book:

“A phantastic collection of goodies—baked, fried, and otherwise—ranging from the simple (yeasted popcorn) to the complex (including a few that will test your culinary mettle); organized with delightful connections to Phish songs, shows, and history; and benefiting the hungry, on many levels—a full-course of phun!” — Ellis Godard, Executive Director of the Mockingbird Foundation

About the editors:
Taraleigh Weathers is the publisher and editor of Healthy Hippie Magazine, and the Phish correspondent for WCAX News. She lives in Burlington, Vermont.

Pete Mason is a special education teacher and the author of Phanart: The Art of the Fans of Phish. He lives in Albany, New York with his dog Halley.

For more information, please visit http://www.sunypress.edu/p-5170-phanfood.aspx

Phan Food final call for recipes!

Phan Food, the cookbook for fans on the road and at home is nearly done collecting recipes from fans for the first edition of the cookbook to be published later this year.  Included in the cookbook are recipes for appetizers, sandwiches, desserts, entrees, snacks, drinks, and yes, brownies and burritos.  These meals can be made in your own kitchen, or prepared on lot while on tour with any band!

The submission period will end January 31st, so if you want to have your recipe included in the first edition of this fantastic cookbook, go to phanfood.com and submit your recipe!  It only takes 5 minutes!!!!!

We are in great need to recipes for drinks, as well as anything vegetarian and vegan.  If you have anything to fit those categories, or anything else for the cookbook, please submit them soon.

Included in Phan Food will be drawings and designs by Drew Suto, art director for Surrender to the Flow phanzine, and Jim Pollock, renowned Phish poster artists.

Aprons will be available for sale with designs by PhanArtists later this year when the cookbook is on sale.  We anticipate that Phan Food will be on sale sometime in September.

Phan Food is wholly not-for-profit, with all net profits being distributed to the food banks in the towns that Phish plays in each tour.