Tag Archives: holidayrun

Erin Cadigan’s NYE poster ‘Mars Attacks’

Created in an art deco style, the viewer travels from the woods of Worcester to the big city of NYC chased by the rising planet Mars. Things are getting crazy in NYC, the BBFCFM has kidnapped the Phish and climbed the Empire State Building chased all the while by an envoy of UFOs shooting lazer beams. Printed by The Half and Half of South Carolina, it is a 4 color silkscreened print in Metallic gold, Florescent pink, lime green and Black. Printed on Cougar white 100lb paper in a run of 100 signed and numbered. The print is 16″x21″ in size. In size , style and work put, Erin thinks this may be my best one yet! though She’s also super partial to UFOs and NYC! This poster costs $30 and the first 30 to order get a BBFCFM surprise as well! Shipping will be immediately following the New Years Run unless you arrange a pick up at the shows.

Send $34 for poster and shipping direct through paypal to erin@souloak.com, or just email erin@souloak.com and she will send an invoice for the poster.

Lizzy Layne’s Fuck Your Face

The origin of the poster, from Lizzy Layne: This poster started with me wanting to do a poster for MSG and when thinking of concepts. I have been really inspired by typography-heavy design lately. The term “Fuck your Face“, along with the song that has been brought out of the vault lately seemed like a perfect fit for this style poster. In the end, I decided it is a broad enough concept that it doesn’t necessarily need to be a poster that is specific to New Year’s, but can just be a solid piece of PhanArt.

The poster is a 15 x 22″ 3 color silkscreen and costs $30 plus $10 for packaging and shipping fees.

NYE Coffee Table by Zenster

Zenster has created his first poster since Coventry, and first New Years print since Big Cypress for the upcoming NYE show at MSG in NYC. 600 signed and numbered posters measuring 7 5/8″ x 17″ are available for purchase below, with one poster for $15 and 2 for $20 and 3 for $30.
On the 1/1/11 MSG coffee table are 3 champagne bottles represent the 3 night run at MSG. There are also bottles of Kill Devil Beer, Fall Down Drunk Ale, Bathtub Gin, a pack of Camel Walk cigarettes and a Bittersweet Motel key. Classic detail for an extraordinary set of shows that are almost upon us!


Ryan Kerrigan New Years City and Worcester posters

Ryan Kerrigan’s NEW YEARS CITY is a silkscreeened edition of 35 prints measuring 8.5″ x 20″. They cost $20 each + shipping and the final 8 prints will be available exclusively on PhanArt Blog as the entire edition has otherwise sold out. You can order them by clicking the paypal link below. Order the Worcester Poster too and save!

Update 11/15 – 10 of these posters remain via Uncle Ebenezer. Each poster costs $20. Email or paypal: UncleEbeneezer (at) hotmail.com

Branden Otto’s Holiday Run posters

Branden Otto’s New Years Run prints will be on sale later today in his store – Otto Art, for $20 each. They go on sale at noon, so dont wait on these. NYE posters are some of the most sought after items of the year and Branden’s prints this year have been nothing short of amazing.


“Strut your stuff”

12×24 on Natural Stock
3 Colors, Grey Blue, Primrose Yellow, Black
Signed & Numbered, Limited Edition of 100
Incorporates Image of Banksy vs. ROBBO Painting

MSG NYE 2011

“Are Flocking Outside”

11 x 17 on Black Stock
3 colors, White, Silver Blue, Mountain Grey
Signed & Numbered, Limited Edition of 30