Lego Dead is awesome! Lego Dead is cool when you get the whole band! Lego Dead is Awesome!!
You are probably already familiar with GratePhulCreations Lego Phish – now check out their newest – Lego Grateful Dead. See all your favorites, Jerry, Phil, Bob, Pig/Keith/Brent/Vince (depending on who you see ;).
These are custom-made Legos that GratePhulCreations purchased from around the globe and assembled to represent our favorite jambands. Order yours today because these will go fast. In fact order a few extras – because you know these Lego Dead will make a sweet trade!
Available now for only $16.99 forJerry and $47.99 for the whole Band! Click HERE and Order yours on GrateFulCreations Etsy
And if you think the Dead Legos are cool order your set of Phish Legos for Only $39.99 for the whole band!