Tag Archives: legos

Grateful Dead and Phish Legos Sets from GratePHulCreations

Lego Dead is awesome! Lego Dead is cool when you get the whole band! Lego Dead is Awesome!!

You are probably already familiar with GratePhulCreations Lego Phish – now check out their newest – Lego Grateful Dead. See all your favorites, Jerry, Phil, Bob, Pig/Keith/Brent/Vince (depending on who you see ;).

These are custom-made Legos that GratePhulCreations purchased from around the globe and assembled to represent our favorite jambands. Order yours today because these will go fast. In fact order a few  extras – because you know these Lego Dead will make a sweet trade!

Available now for only $16.99 forJerry and $47.99 for the whole Band! Click HERE and Order yours on GrateFulCreations  Etsy


And if you think the Dead Legos are cool order your set of Phish Legos for Only $39.99 for the whole band!
