Tag Archives: phish pins

You Can’t Spell Charity Without Art – PhanArt’s 3 for $30 Offer to Benefit Mockingbird Foundation!

There have been a lot of pieces of phanart that have been donated to benefit The Mockingbird Foundation, which led to the ‘3 for $30’ deal that has been run in recent years, netting more than $2,000 for music education. Now it’s time to offer a variety of items – shirts, pins, stickers, ties, and other donated items, with all net proceeds going to The Mockingbird Foundation this holiday season.

Among the donated items are great pins from Andrew Bryant and AJ Masthay, ties from stuPINdous Creations, shirts from The Overhead View, blotter art by Lizzy Layne, framed art, a variety of stickers, pins and other unique phan made art.

A sampling of donated art available to benefit The Mockingbird Foundation

Your $30 donation will benefit The Mockingbird Foundation, with your name listed on the donor page. This is a great deal to take advantage of with only 25 packages of 3 items each available!

When you click the Paypal button below, in the memo area, you can request an item seen in the photo, or specify a shirt (specify size) or pin artist, a tour, a year, a show, or all of these things and you will get 3 items worth more than a suggested donation of only $30 (plus shipping). You will get your monies worth.

Thank you for supporting the artists on PhanArt and The Mockingbird Foundation!

Currently Sold Out!