Tag Archives: sleepingmonkey

New pins for 2013 from PhanBadge and KUSHPins

Brian Kushner from PhanBadge has some new pins for 2013, including a new line of pins and his classic ‘Life is Hood’ pin.

The first in a series of Phish Movie pins is the Army of the 12 Sleeping Monkeys pin. The pin measures 1.5″ in height, is double posted and is numbered out of 130. Less then 30 of these remain at a cost of 1 for $14 and 2 for $25.

SLeepin Monkey

First there was the shirt and badge, now PhanBadge bring you the “Life is Hood” Guitar pick Pin! These hard enamel glitter pins come in three color variants: blue, black and red glitter. These are limited to 75 each and numbered on the back. They measure 1.25″ at a cost of 1 for $15, 2 for $25 and 3 pins for $34.


12 Sleeping Monkeys pin

Life is Hood (Guitar)

Sleeping Monkey NYC by Michael Ortiz & Jon Lamb

Sleeping Monkey NYC
Above is a preview of the Art poster LMP is releasing in conjunction with the Phish New Years concerts at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The poster is the last in a series of “train” themed posters that Michael Ortiz and Jonathan Lamb of Like Minded Productions. This limited edition series is numbered out of 40 and are giclee prints done on 210 gram Textured fine art paper, measuring 17″ x 22″. Each print is signed and numbered by Michael Ortiz. Prints are available at $30 + $10 for shipping. (When you click “Add to Cart” you can go to “checkout” to complete your order.)
NYE Poster
nye poster2

Buy here: http://michaelortizart.com

Merit Badges from Wazoo

Wazoo from Minnesota has come up with six Merit Badges for Summer 2012 – Sample in a Jar, Sleeping Monkey, Cities, Tube, Emotional Rescue and ‘Shh! They’re Playing!’ In an edition of 50, each badge measure 2″ across and costs $5 each with $1 shipping, or you can order the full set for $20 with $1 shipping.

These badges are available ONLY on lot, find Wazoo at Riverbend (Cincy) through Alpine Valley!

Sleeping Monkey and Cavern Pins from Ten Minute Tube Designs

Ten Minute Tube Designs is Caitlin and Matty, whose love for phish pre-dates 1995 when they started listening to them and they have been hooked ever since. They are happy to share their love of Phish with phanners everywhere through their creations. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Sleeping Monkey Pin has a two prong back and measures 1 1/4″ x 1″. The cost for this pin is $10 + $2.50 shipping, but you sent him home on the train.

Got an idea for a pin or want to get in touch with the creator? Contact Matty at mattyjmania@yahoo.com


The Cavern “Whatever you do…” pin measures 1 1/4″ length x 1 1/8″ Height, has a 2 prong back and is stamped with “10 MINUTE TUBE DESIGNS” on back. The cost for this pin is $10 + $2 ship