Tag Archives: videos

Shit Phish Fans Say

This video was shot with great help from a number of people. A great thanks to all of you who helped to make this possible.

Director of Photography and Editing: Jen Morgan

Directed by: Jen Morgan and Pete Mason

Produced by: Pete Mason


Kyle E., AFF, Chris De Cotis, Erika Fallon, Pete Mason

and featuring Halley

Written by Pete Mason and the following fans on Facebook and Twitter:

Damien Palanza, Jaq Tothephuture, Robyn Stein, Kelli Konz O’Brien,, Stevie Klaus, Mike Perry, Derick Greiner, Scott Williams, Andrew King, Andrew Simon, Patrick Keenan, Joanna Prewett-Sanders, Steve Kucinsky, Julius Tweezer, Karen Sweeney, Joe Brumfield, Joe Brumfield, Yosh Katz, Beverly Schwartz, Sarah Vance, Mike Brown, Maria DiChiappari, Lou Carta, Amy Pedatella, George Houghton, Scott Woodall, Brennan Smith, Davisson A Benson, Brad Tenem, Tim Joseph, Jake Huffman, David Paul Kleinman, Susan Rice, Danielle Polly, Courtney Davis, Lisa Holder, Karl Schmidt, Brian Gluck, and Tela Phishman.

@doochey, @surefootedllama, @axillapt3, @mbvisor, @Treyenthusiast, @Alliedise, @apple0229, @P1NT, @jess_staab, @surrenderedflow, @ChinaKatSunflwr, @apple0229, @SaxNStrikeouts, @aaronpethic, @IamKrivoruk, @Tao_Of_Jeff, @the_man_mulcahy, @Languagestrange, @Jiggslikesphish, @StrongPROGress, @JamminTurtle, @Frawg_Dawg, @secretcabdriver, @M_R_Cohen, @Lauren Sullivan, @Christy_420, @Surrenderedflow, @DanMar85, @tpod17, @kipconner, @granPaPaa, @ChaCheesePlease, @axillapt3, @joeymoore21