Tag Archives: victor stabin

Fish Pherris Wheel by Victor Stabin

Artist Victor Stabin has released ‘Fish Pherris Wheel‘, part of his Turtle Series of paintings. Victor was born in Brooklyn and studied art starting as a teen and is inspired by many facets of his own life including his family, an interest in the connection between man and nature, water and the water’s edge, the 19th Century Japanese watercolor print artists and many more influences.

Stabin’s illustrations have appeared in TimeNewsweek, and Rolling Stone, and has to his credit nine postage stamps commissioned by the US Postal service, a mural for RCA/BMG’s headquarters, and the cover of the KISS album, Unmasked. Most recently, he has had four pieces installed at radio station WNYC and his ABC Book Daedal Doodle is on sale at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Stabin and award-winning animator Ben Arthur are currently in production of the animated short which masterfully combines fantastic imagery, tongue-in-cheek storytelling, and vocabulary learning; using the backdrop of public radio. Check out their Kickstarter campaign.

Stabin’s ‘Fish Pherris Wheel’ is now available for purchase. About the piece, in the artist’s words:

“In a parallel utopian universe, a place where world peace is not just a dream, waste is forbidden, ecology is god and economies are built on thrift not theft. There will be abundant surpluses of time and resource; this new world will for the first time give us abilities to reach past old boundaries to exploring new worlds and ultimately give humanity the ability to embrace Phish.

In this universe, humankind awoke and realized the tremendous role that sea life has played in fostering global evolution. To show our aquatic brothers and sisters appreciation, the people of earth build a Fish Pherris Wheel that benignly lifts sea life from their aqueous world into our atmospheric world and as gently returns them to the sea.

The Fish Pherris Wheel became a particularly hot attraction during sunset and sunrise hours, so much so that amphibious creatures (who already had access to atmospheric viewing) such as Walruses, Turtles, Penguins, Horse Shoe Crabs, etc., were only allowed to ride on Tuesdays and alternate weekends.”

To purchase limited edition prints of this piece and see more of Victor Stabin’s work check out his website and online store.