One glance at the news — from the disparate impact of COVID-19 to the senseless destruction of black lives — shows it’s never been more important to address racism from every angle, and PHRE want to reach people through their love of Phish.
On Saturday, May 30 from 11:30am – 7:30pm ET, Phans for Racial Equity (PHRE) will host their first ever virtual retreat. The Zoom virtual retreat, ‘In a Minute I’ll be PHRE,’ will feature workshops on racial equity, planning out PHRE work for the next 1-3 years, and talking to friends in groups including BrianRobert, GrooveSafe, and Mike Side Dyke Side. In doing a virtual event, PHRE hopes to give the broader Phish community the chance to learn more about PHRE and their work.
The purpose of the public forum is for the community to learn about how phans of color’s experience in the scene can be different, talk about what we can do together to make our scene as inclusive as possible and our opportunity and responsibility to act for racial justice in the broader world.
Fans will be engaged in a talk about PHRE’s origins, including the Phish Scene So White: Let’s Talk article, the online backlash and what that says about our community. PHRE’s mission will be discussed, as well as core activities such as tabling at Phish shows, working with venues to address harassment, and how folks can get involved.
Set 2 includes a discussion moderated by Jay Curley of Ben and Jerry’s a conversation about race in the scene and PHRE’s origins and organizing work. The forum includes a Phish Trivia contest with a grand prize of Phish Gorge 2021 tickets.
At 7:30pm it’s Happy Hour with live music from Jackie Venson, Hayley Jane, Andy Greenberg and many more.
Sign Up for the Public Forum here.